package com.example.demo.model
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude
data class GeneralErrorResponse(
val message:String,
val requestUrl: String? = null,
val errorStackStace: String? = null
$ sudo netplan try
Do you want to keep these settings?
Press ENTER before the timeout to accept the new configuration
Changes will revert in 120 seconds
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: Source of key(s) to be installed: "/Users/user/.ssh/"
The authenticity of host '[]:22 ([]:22)' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:wYmwxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxcFme8.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: attempting to log in with the new key(s), to filter out any that are already installed
/usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: 1 key(s) remain to be installed -- if you are prompted now it is to install the new keys
[email protected]'s password:
Number of key(s) added: 1
Now try logging into the machine, with: "ssh -p '22' '[email protected]'"
and check to make sure that only the key(s) you wanted were added.
因為小弟長期習慣用 vim 所以用此指令先切換預設開啟的編輯器
$ sudo update-alternatives --config editor
There are 4 choices for the alternative editor (providing /usr/bin/editor).
Selection Path Priority Status
* 0 /bin/nano 40 auto mode
1 /bin/ed -100 manual mode
2 /bin/nano 40 manual mode
3 /usr/bin/vim.basic 30 manual mode
4 /usr/bin/vim.tiny 15 manual mode
Press <enter> to keep the current choice[*], or type selection number: 3
update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/vim.basic to provide /usr/bin/editor (editor) in manual mode
以 iOS 而言,你可能要透過 NSOperationQueue 或者 GCD (Grand Central Dispatch) 這些方法來做非同步的流程。
如果要接續觸發( A 事情做完做 B )的情境,A 事情的 callback 做完之後緊接著 B 事情,你可能會得到一個很深的縮排。
如果是互相等待完成( A 跟 B 事情 )的情境,你可能要透過一些 boolean 來把狀態記住,然後 A 事情跟 B 事情的 callback 同時要檢查對方是否做完,才接續另外一個 callback 。 以上並不是說這樣寫不能用,只是你會有更好的解法,讓程式碼變得更乾淨好閱讀。
firstly {
// Show Loading status bar
return when(myAsnycTaskA(), myAsnycTaskB())
}.then { (resultA:MyObjectA, resultB:MyObjectB) -> Void in
// Show results
}.always {
// Hide Loading status bar
}.catch { error in
基本句型有 then 跟 catch 就可以了
myAsnycTaskA().then {
(resultA:MyObjectA) -> Void in
// Show results
}.catch { error in
firstly {
// Show Loading status bar
return when(myAsnycTaskA(), myAsnycTaskB())
}.then { (resultA:MyObjectA, resultB:MyObjectB) -> Promise<MyObjectC> in
// So some processing
return myProcessingTaskC()
}.then { (resultC:MyObjectC) -> Void in
// Show results
}.always {
// Hide Loading status bar
}.catch { error in
# Default PF configuration file.
# This file contains the main ruleset, which gets automatically loaded
# at startup. PF will not be automatically enabled, however. Instead,
# each component which utilizes PF is responsible for enabling and disabling
# PF via -E and -X as documented in pfctl(8). That will ensure that PF
# is disabled only when the last enable reference is released.
# Care must be taken to ensure that the main ruleset does not get flushed,
# as the nested anchors rely on the anchor point defined here. In addition,
# to the anchors loaded by this file, some system services would dynamically
# insert anchors into the main ruleset. These anchors will be added only when
# the system service is used and would removed on termination of the service.
# See pf.conf(5) for syntax.
# anchor point
scrub-anchor "*"
nat-anchor "*"
rdr-anchor "*"
dummynet-anchor "*"
anchor "*"
load anchor "" from "/etc/pf.anchors/"
# 最佳化模式:一般模式
set optimization normal
# 阻擋的策略:直接丟棄
set block-policy drop
# 封包需要照順序
set require-order yes
# 跳過 lookback 介面不處理
set skip on lo
# log 紀錄只記最危急的等級
set debug urgent
# === Developer machine example ===
# 指定連線介面
int_if="{ en0 en1 }"
# 指定要開放 連入 的服務
webports = "{http, https}"
# 定義私有IP範圍
table <private> const { 192.168/16 }
# 預設允許所有連出連入連線,並保持狀態
pass in all keep state
pass out all keep state
# 跳過 lookback 介面不處理
set skip on lo
# MySQL (TCP:3306) 允許本機 lookback 介面 能連線,阻擋其他的封包
pass in quick on lo proto tcp from any to any port 3306
block in quick proto tcp from any to any port 3306
# 只允許私有 IP 能連線,阻擋其他的封包
pass in quick proto tcp from <private> to any port webports
block in quick proto tcp from any to any port webports
是否本機能正常連線到 MySQL?
找一台同網段的裝置,是否無法連接 MySQL?
找一台接不同網路的裝置來測試,是否無法連接 MySQL?
附註:MySQL 連線指令為
$ mysql -u root -h <YOUR_IP> -p
測試 HTTP 伺服器
$ docker run -d -p 80:00 j796160836/simple-test-http
使用 docker 這個測試 image,
對應內部 container 80 port (後者) 到主機 80 port (前者)
# === HTTP server example ====
# 指定對外連線介面
ext_if="{ ppp0 }"
# 指定要開放 連入 的服務
webports = "{http, https}"
# 指定要開放的 連出 的服務
int_tcp_services = "{domain, ssh, ntp, www, https}"
int_udp_services = "{domain, ntp}"
# 跳過 lookback 介面不處理
set skip on lo
# 重新組合封包
scrub in all random-id fragment reassemble
# 擋掉所有 進入 的連線
block drop in log all
# 擋掉所有 連出 的連線
block out all
# 阻擋惡意偽造封包
antispoof quick for $ext_if
# 指定要開放 連入 的服務
pass in on $ext_if proto tcp from any to any port $webports
# 指定要開放的 連出 的服務
pass out quick on $ext_if proto tcp to any port $int_tcp_services
pass out quick on $ext_if proto udp to any port $int_udp_services
# 接受 PING 回應
pass on $ext_if inet proto icmp to $ext_if icmp-type "echoreq" keep state
# 接受使用 traceroute
pass out on $ext_if inet proto udp from any to any port 33433 >< 33626 keep state